

This Documentation is correct for version 1.0.3 of packwiz_js

What does this do?

Packwiz is a command line tool for creating Minecraft modpacks. Instead of managing JAR files directly, packwiz creates TOML metadata files. Packwiz_js allows for packwiz to be used in Node.js projects.

License Information

This project is licensed under GPL 3.0 so please make sure that your project follows the license guidelines.


  1. Download packwiz here and either place in system path or take note of the path.
  2. Install the package with the command below.
npm i @jackcooperdev/packwiz_js


createPack (fileData, dir, packwizLoc)

This function creates a modpack from the data provided into the specified directory.

It takes the following parameters

  • fileData - Object comprising the data required for the creation of the pack. The format can be found below
  • dir - The directory where the modpack will be created. This should not include the name of the modpack
  • packwizLoc - The location of the packwiz executable. This can be left blank if packwiz is on the path.

Example File Data

  "name": "ModpackName",
  "loader": "Mod Loader",
  "version": "Pack Version",
  "minecraftVersion": "Minecraft Version",
  "loaderVersion": "Version of Modloader",
  "author": "Author of Modpack",
  "mods" : [{
    "source": "cf or mr",
    "slug": "mod slug"

This will output true on successful completion.

getModList (packFolder)

This function outputs an array of mods in the queried modpack

It takes the following parameters

  • packFolder - Modpack Folder Location

getPackInfo (packFolder)

This function outputs information about the selected pack.

It takes the following parameters

  • packFolder - Modpack Folder Location

importFromCurseForge (zipPath, outPath, packWizLoc, nameOverride)

This function takes a curseforge modpack (.zip) and converts it into a packwiz modpack and returns the pack info.

It takes the following parameters

  • zipPath - Path of the curseforge modpack.
  • outPath - Output Path
  • packwizLoc - The location of the packwiz executable. This can be left blank if packwiz is on the path.
  • nameOverride - Override Name of modpack

importFromModrinth (mrPath, outPath, packWizLoc, nameOverride)

This function takes a modrinth modpack (.mr) and converts it into a packwiz modpack and returns the pack info.

It takes the following parameters

  • mrPath - Path of the Modrinth modpack.
  • outPath - Output Path
  • packwizLoc - The location of the packwiz executable. This can be left blank if packwiz is on the path.
  • nameOverride - Override Name of modpack